Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Peace Words Coloring Book ...

What does peace mean?
You're invited to participate in The Peace Hour's project of creating “Peace Word Coloring” books to be used to help young people understand the true meaning of peace. What we have found is that peace is more than a concept, but for many it is something that is unattainable simply because we can't define it in ways so that everyone can understand--understand their role in peacemaking, understand how peacemaking can happen, or understand that peace is possible (of course I believe it is inevitable, but that's another story). The goal of our project is making peace words into art and use them to help others understand the meanings of these words, how they are used, how they inspire and help us see peace more clearly.
“Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others.” Plato
If you are so inspired, submit a word that you find exemplifies your understanding of “peace.” You can draw it, type it or otherwise illustrate the word. Find a quote or definition you think helps people understand the meaning of the word and write a 1-2 paragraph statement on how you think this word helps people become peacemakers. Send the artwork to the following address and enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope for our response to:
P.K. McCary
The Peace Hour
PO Box 450712
Houston, TX 77245-0712
The artwork must be your own work. Send us your name, address, email and phone number so that we may contact you. There is no payment for this except that all submissions accepted will be given a published coloring book and credit for the submission. We will not use the artwork for any other publication without asking your permission. Proceeds from the coloring book will be used to further the work of The Peace Hour's work with young people. Deadline for submissions is July 31, 2010.
Special Note: If you are a teacher, you may contact me directly at info@thepeacehour.org to talk about ways your class can participate in this endeavor.